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District Partnership Services

Getting Started with Introductory Meeting and Workshop

Our district partnership services begin with an introductory meeting with our subject matter experts to understand your school district’s needs and share the research and benefits of redesigned Tier 1 instruction that provides deeper learning for all students in every classroom.

We offer a highly acclaimed workshop for district instructional leaders, often at no charge, that addresses:

  • Why educators are working too hard for too little results
  • Why today’s students are more difficult to engage
  • The root causes of lower rigor instruction
  • The powerful research for transforming the classroom learning experience to high rigor and high agency for all students

Leaders end the session energized with a common language and understanding of redesigned Tier 1 instruction so they can collectively determine their destination vision for instruction.

Deeper Learning: The Core of Our District Partnerships

At the core of our district partnerships is the research-based Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning TM, proven to raise rigor, engagement, and achievement for all students.

Tailored Pilot-to-Scale Plan

A second, smaller workshop for senior district leaders builds on the momentum of the first workshop. The focus is on understanding the science of large-scale adoption and co-developing a tailored implementation plan. We guide you through the process of starting with a well-designed pilot involving volunteer principals and teachers, then scaling success with a districtwide rollout that meets the district’s goals, timeline, and resources.

Learn More About District Pilot-to-Scale
The superintendent and district leadership team in Santa Rosa County Public Schools, FL engage in the second workshop, involving deep analysis and strategic prioritization to reach their vision of redesigned Tier 1 instruction.

Develop Capacity Within the District

During the pilot phase, our partnership approach focuses on developing and expanding district capacity to scale and sustaining the work utilizing the comprehensive suite of resources for:

  • Classroom teachers
  • Instructional coaches
  • Professional learning community (PLC) leaders
  • School leaders
  • District leaders
Schedule an Expert Consultation

“School District U-46, Illinois’ second largest district, has partnered with Instructional Empowerment as we strive toward our moral imperative to change our systems until they measurably work for all children. Our collaboration has pushed our leaders to refocus on core instruction and setting the conditions for self-regulation and agency for all students.”

Dr. Tony Sanders
Former Superintendent of School District U-46
Current Illinois State Superintendent of Education

Measuring the Implementation

Our district implementation plans include several research-validated metrics to measure the progress of implementing classrooms using scientific indicators:

  1. A collaborative system for feedback that provides support to teachers as they use student evidence to implement the model. As teachers progress in their implementation with student evidence, they earn badges recognizing their classroom’s transformation to foster deeper learning and engagement with student-led teams.
  1. The Rigor Classroom Walk data tool with scientific indicators of rigor, collaboration, and classroom formative assessment shows trends in strengthening Tier 1 instruction across the school’s classrooms.

This powerful combination of confirming data sets is a strong predictor of increased achievement for all students of all subgroups and reporting categories.

Data reports are available for all levels including:

  • Classrooms
  • Grades and subjects
  • Schools
  • Networks or regions of schools
  • District level

These reports show implementation progress that correlates to increased student achievement.

Our real-time metrics have a statistically significant correlation to:

Higher ELA learning rates
Higher math learning rates
Higher student attendance
Lower behavior referrals
Lower suspension rates

“What we’re seeing is that there is a direct correlation between the Rigor Appraisal score and what we see in terms of student achievement. That gives us confidence in the tool. It also allows us as a school district to be predictive in terms of what we expect to see with student outcomes and make mid-year corrections.”

Troy Knoderer
Chief Academic Officer, MSD Lawrence Township, IN

“One of my key learnings from the partnership has been the power of tracking through Rigor Classroom Walks and tracking the alignment of the learning target, the success criteria, and the standards. We can see the progress, and we’re able to measure it. That has been key for us in terms of our progress. We know if we’re doing better, if we need to improve, and if there is an area we need to focus on.”

Iris Rocio Jiménez
Principal, Scharbauer Elementary School, Midland, TX

Executive Action Team Meetings

Our expert educators meet regularly with district leaders to review implementation progress and data reports. These meetings ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of the implementation and include sharing wins and celebrations, resolving impediments, and providing feedback to ensure success.

Schedule an Expert Consultation

“The Executive Action Team meetings give us the opportunity to look at sustainability, building capacity, and leveraging resources rather than quick fixes. The new tools that our leaders and teachers are learning with Instructional Empowerment have truly impacted the systems and quality of instruction in our buildings.”

Brandon White
Former Assistant Superintendent of Academics, South Bend Community School Corporation, IN

District Partnership Services

Professional Development: On-site and online professional development for teachers, instructional coaches, PLC leaders, school leaders, and district leaders.

Expert Coaching: On-site and virtual sessions for teachers, instructional coaches, principals, and district leaders. All our expert coaches are extensively certified, and all of our leadership coaches were building principals or have equivalent experience. We believe that the best leadership coaches were also excellent principals.

Metrics of Tier 1 Instruction: Suite of research-based metrics for both the classroom and for schools including progress monitoring tools for classroom implementation, classroom walk metrics for schoolwide trends of Tier 1 instruction, and school culture surveys. All our metrics are rigorously research-verified to predict increases in student achievement.

Suites of Digital Resources: Comprehensive suite of digital resources including online courses, coaching tools, badge recognitions, a library of resources, and membership in a moderated growth-minded community of teachers, leaders, and our experts.

“The social mission that Instructional Empowerment has is easy for us to wrap our arms around, but it’s the tools, the resources, and the support that come in along with it that help that to feel possible.”

Brenda Miller
Director of Curriculum for Northwest Local School District, Cincinnati, Ohio

“The most powerful attribute of the partnership has been meeting our schools where they are and assessing what tools we can use to help support them based on their needs. Each time I collaborate with Instructional Empowerment, I walk away from the meeting feeling that they’re just as invested in the success of our schools as we are.”

Brandon White
Former Assistant Superintendent of Academics, South Bend School Community Corporation, IN

Schedule a Consultation with Subject Matter Experts Today

Meet with our expert career educators (not salespeople) who will explain the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning in detail and share best practices for implementation, with no obligation.