Professional Development: On-site and online professional development for teachers, instructional coaches, PLC leaders, school leaders, and district leaders.
Expert Coaching: On-site and virtual sessions for teachers, instructional coaches, principals, and district leaders. All our expert coaches are extensively certified, and all of our leadership coaches were building principals or have equivalent experience. We believe that the best leadership coaches were also excellent principals.
Metrics of Tier 1 Instruction: Suite of research-based metrics for both the classroom and for schools including progress monitoring tools for classroom implementation, classroom walk metrics for schoolwide trends of Tier 1 instruction, and school culture surveys. All our metrics are rigorously research-verified to predict increases in student achievement.
Suites of Digital Resources: Comprehensive suite of digital resources including online courses, coaching tools, badge recognitions, a library of resources, and membership in a moderated growth-minded community of teachers, leaders, and our experts.