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Classroom Services

Overcome Your Classroom's Behavior, Engagement, and Achievement Challenges

As educators, your role extends far beyond teaching. You’re navigating the pressures of improving student achievement and engagement, all while managing the added challenge of student behaviors – making your mission to help students succeed even more complex.

The Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning TM was specifically designed to tackle these challenges by providing students with structures to:

  • Engage in richer discussions
  • Participate in respectful debates
  • Use academic vocabulary
  • Deepen their understanding of content

Within teams, students collaborate and support one another, ensuring learning is accessible to every student in every classroom. This approach helps students build self-regulation, strengthen impulse control, and cultivate empathy, all while fostering authentic team-based student learning communities.

Explore Our Model

Go Beyond Grouping with Student-Led Team Learning

With student-led team learning at its core, the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning focuses on interdependent teams with clear roles, responsibilities, and protocols. Unlike traditional grouping, this approach ensures equal participation and accountability – fostering deeper understanding, critical thinking, and collaboration.

In student-led teams, peers become the primary source of support and communication, transforming the teacher’s role into that of a coach. This shift empowers students to take ownership of their learning, self-direct, and work collaboratively on challenging tasks, ensuring content is accessible to everyone.

This is a powerful structure for fostering student engagement and accountability, effectively transferring ownership of learning to students and promoting deeper content processing and retention. When implemented, these strategies enhance achievement across all reporting subgroups, including students with IEPs, diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, English learners, and those eligible for free and reduced lunch.

More Engaged Students, Less Stressed Teachers

By fostering deeper engagement and collaboration, student-led team learning not only increases student achievement but also lightens the instructional load on teachers.

As students take on the bulk of the learning, teachers experience greater professional satisfaction, seeing their efforts translate into empowered, high-achieving learners equipped with essential skills for lifelong success.

Proven Classroom Impact

Laura Young6th Grade ELA Teacher, Colerain Middle School, Northwest Local School District, OH

It gives you a place to start where students learn how to talk to each other, and they learn how to help each other, and they learn the appropriate words to say to each other which is something that they didn’t have prior to implementing this.

Sonja SandersEnglish Language Arts Team Lead, Arthur Elementary School, Oklahoma City, OK

After the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning was implemented, those learning gaps started to decrease significantly. With teaming in place, it has helped my students.

Morgan ZinniTeacher, Woonsocket High School, Woonsocket, RI

For students to get to that next level in their learning, they have to come up with their own thinking, share it, debate it, and analyze it. The Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning has been really instrumental in facilitating that.

Shelby BellamyTeacher, Moseley Elementary School, Palatka, FL

Within my classroom and any Moseley classroom I visit, we have less negative behavior because the students are engaged.

Seventh grade studentWalnut Middle School, Grand Island, NE

The teacher’s role has changed because they’re trying to let us do most of the work, to take control of our learning.

Achievement More Than Doubles, Nearly Triples

At Lakewood Elementary School, student achievement more than doubles in ELA and nearly triples in math.

Dramatic Decrease in Discipline Referrals

Walnut Middle saw a dramatic decrease in discipline referrals in their first year of student-led team learning – down from 777 to 489, a 37 percent decrease.

Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning (4DL):
Teacher Suite and Toolkit

The 4DL Teacher Suite and Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning Toolkit work together to provide educators with step-by-step guidance for implementing high rigor, high agency instruction through student-led team learning. 

The comprehensive 4DL Teacher Suite empowers educators with online professional development courses designed to support your transition to student-led team learning. Key features include:

  • A robust Task Library with standards-based student-led team learning lesson plans.
  • Membership in a collaborative, interactive community of educators implementing the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning.
  • Digital badges in recognition of your expertise as you complete professional development courses.

Meanwhile, the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning Toolkit equips educators with ready-to-use resources for both students and teachers, supporting all subjects and grade levels. These tools help establish routines that make student-led team learning successful from day one.

For more information on the tools available within the Model of Instruction for Deeper Learning Toolkit, click here.

Additional Resources

Need help requesting funding from your principal?

Get the Letter

Deepen your learning in Orlando with the Building Expertise for Deeper Learning Educators’ Conference

Learn About BE2025

Explore Student-Led Team Learning

Learn More